New Life Mission began in 1986 in an effort to reach people from all walks of life to Jesus Christ. The ministry is dedicated to proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages world-wide through publishing, radio broadcasting, social media, prison ministry, evangelism, newspaper ads and bulk-mailing truth-filled books to millions of homes in America.
Rodney and Patti Heinrich are the founders and directors of New Life Mission. Their mission is two-fold. They are working to bring revival and reformation to the church by calling people to return to the historic doctrines and principles of the Great Second Advent Movement. They are also dedicated to evangelistic work in reaching souls for God’s kingdom with the Everlasting Gospel found in Revelation 14:6-12.
Step by step, New Life Mission has expanded its outreach. Please prayerfully consider supporting this Christ-centered, end-time work.
Bible Workers & Missionaries | Bulk Mailings | Prison Ministry | Radio Broadcasting | Newspaper Ads
Bible Correspondence School | Literature Evangelism | Newsletters/Publishing | DVD Evangelism